The Panorama: Lessons for Epidemiology, Evolution, and a Science in Peril – Yale University’s C. Brandon Ogbunu
We are excited to welcome C. Brandon Ogbunu, PhD, an Assistant Professor of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology at Yale University and External Professor at the Santa Fe Institute, to present on “The Panorama: Lessons for Epidemiology, Evolution, and a Science in
Persistent Babesiosis: from Immune Deficiency to Antimicrobial Resistance – Tufts Medicine’s Edouard Vannier, PharmD, PhD
Please join us for a seminar from Tufts Medicine’s Edouard Vannier, PharmD, PhD, on “Persistent Babesiosis: from Immune Deficiency to Antimicrobial Resistance.” Babesiosis is a sometimes life-threatening infectious disease caused by parasites that invade and destroy red blood cells. Babesiosis
NIAMRRE Member Spotlight: CIMAR’s Shira Doron, MD, and Claire Fellman, DVM
This presentation will feature a collaborative One Health effort that began at Tufts University in 2016 in the area of antimicrobial resistance. Claire Fellman, DVM, and Shira Doron, MD, will discuss research, quality improvement, and inter-hospital efforts to support human
“From the Staphylococcal Cell Wall to Nucleotide Signalling and Halfway Back” — Imperial College London’s Angelika Gründling, PhD
Please join us for a Levy CIMAR Seminar from Angelika Gründling, PhD, a Professor of Molecular Microbiology at Imperial College London whose research combines genetic, biochemical, and structural approaches to provide mechanistic insight into cell wall synthesis and nucleotide signaling
“Genomic Epidemiology and Evolution of Drug Resistance in Candida auris” — Brown University’s Christina Cuomo, PhD
Please join us for a seminar from Brown University’s Christina Cuomo, PhD, a Professor of Molecular Microbiology & Immunology who works to identify mechanisms of virulence and drug resistance that can be used to guide and refine treatment decisions. Dr.
“The Intersection of Racism, Antimicrobial Resistance, and Vaccine Equity” — UC San Diego Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences’ Jacinda Abdul-Mutakabbir, PharmD, MPH, AAHIVP
We are excited to announce that Jacinda Abdul-Mutakabbir, PharmD, MPH, AAHIVP will present on “The Intersection of Racism, Antimicrobial Resistance, and Vaccine Equity” for a Black History Month seminar sponsored jointly by Micro DEI, the Levy CIMAR, and the Tufts
Clinical and Basic Science Approaches to AMR: “Uncovering Antibiotic Allergy in Massachusetts Long-Term Care Facilities: Reporting Patterns and Impact on Antibiotic Prescribing” – Kap Sum Foong, MD & “Applying the Mouse Pneumonia Model of Acinetobacter baumannii for the Evolution and Characterization of Colistin-Selected Mutants” – Tufts MERGE-ID PhD Candidate Juan Hernandez-Bird
Our December 14th Levy CIMAR Science Seminar will explore antimicrobial resistance from both clinical and basic science perspectives. We will hear from two speakers this month: Tufts Medical Center’s Kap Sum Foong, MD, an Attending Physician with expertise in antimicrobial stewardship
Clinical and Basic Science Approaches to Phage: “Bringing Phage to Bedside: Implementing a Phage Clinical Trial” – Brian Chow, MD & “Looking for Validation: Assessing ICP1 Mutant Fitness After Tn-seq” – Tufts Molecular Microbiology PhD Candidate Elizabeth Tan
Please join us for our November Levy CIMAR Science Seminar, which will dive into recent bacteriophage work from both the clinical and basic science perspectives. We will hear from two speakers this month: CIMAR’s own Brian Chow, MD, an Attending
Diagnostic Stewardship as a Tool for Antimicrobial Stewardship – Tufts Medicine’s Shira Doron, MD
Please join us for this month’s Levy CIMAR Science Talk from our own Shira Doron, MD, who among her many titles is Chief Infection Control Officer for Tufts Medicine where she oversees Infection Control and Antimicrobial Stewardship. She is also
Discovery and Development of Novel Antimalarials and Their Use as Chemical Tools to Discover New Biology of the Malaria Parasite – WEHI’s Prof. Alan F. Cowman
We are excited to announce our first seminar speaker for the 2023-2024 academic year, Professor Alan F. Cowman, who among his many roles is acting Director of Australia's Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research (WEHI). An internationally acclaimed expert